How To Make Work Fun, Develop Creativity
Oct 15, 2024Work culture is an intangible ecosystem that makes some places wonderful or toxic to work. The essence of an organization is what constitutes its work culture. Entrepreneur informs us that it affects or defines the ability of the leadership and employees to relate to each other for the common good of the organization. It operates within a mutually agreed and acceptable boundary of cultural values and emotional interface. It is widely understood that a positive ambience can make or break your performance in the workplace. No matter how talented or smart your employees are, they can only work to the best of their capabilities and creative skills when they are surrounded by an encouraging environment that values its personnel. This is why work culture is so important in bringing out the best from your employees even in adverse circumstances. Negativity not only kills creativity and will to perform but also does not allow an employee to develop a sense of affection and ownership with the organization.
How can you encourage your staff to develop camaraderie, friendship, and team building? First, it’s important to understand that you can’t force it. This is a matter of building a culture, so it needs to happen organically. Your organization culture is built and developed by the people within the organization. It is initiated by leaders but formed and developed by all the employees of a business. LifeSpeak affirms that leaders can plant the seeds by demonstrating interactive behavior. Employees are more likely to embrace the chance to bond with their colleagues if they see that it’s accepted and encouraged by their leadership.
While most people, generally, would rather spend time with their friends and family than be at work, there’s no need for workdays to be miserable. Investing time and effort into making your workplace a more enjoyable place to be can have tangible positive benefits for employees, teams, and your wider organization. Here are seven reasons, from CIPHR, why fun should be part of your HR strategy.
- HAPPY EMPLOYEES ARE HEALTHIER – Content employees who have fun at work are more likely to avoid the negative effects of stress and anxiety that have even been shown to lower heart rate variability (the time interval between beats).
- HAVING FUN IMPROVES COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION – Nearly two-thirds (65%) of knowledge workers collaborate multiple times a day with their colleagues, so encouraging an effective way to improve cohesion within your organization should be a priority.
- FUN GENERATES CREATIVITY – Individuals’ ability to learn improves when the task at hand is enjoyable and they’re in a relaxed mood. Play can also stimulate imagination, helping people adapt and problem solve. Creative environments have a natural and green atmosphere and activity that is easily distinguishable. There’s a buzz in the air, colleagues are enthusiastic and energetic, and there are lots of conversations happening. Leaders, make the work environment fun and creative.
- HAVING FUN ENCOURAGES ADVOCACY – Advocates act as a powerful force in shaping the public perception of an organization. Employees that have fun, enjoy what they do, and are engaged will naturally share stories and act as advocates for your brand – on and offline. If every one of your employees shared news and updates about your brand to their own social groups, then your audience will increase exponentially – and for free.
- HAVING FUN MAKES EMPLOYEES MORE PRODUCTIVE – A 2015 study by the University of Warwick’s Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy found that happier employees are more productive by an average of 12% and, in some cases, up to 20% more than a control group.
- PROMOTING FUN ATTRACTS AN AUDIENCE – The opportunity that having fun at work provides an organization is substantial. Sharing stories about enjoyable atmosphere in your workplace can be a crucial part of a compelling employer branding story and can help to garner attention on social media. Providing a window for people to find out about daily life at your organization increases familiarity and trust. Whether a potential customer or passive talent, if that individual feels that they ‘know’ your company and can see your ‘human’, fun side then they’ll be more likely to engage with you.
It is crucial to incorporate creativity, greenery, interaction, etc. into the workplace to make it exciting for employees and clients to desire to come to the workplace.
While you spend time having fun with your family at home, remember the importance of developing your work family by creating a corporate culture that is exciting, engaging, and generating creativity!
The following sources were used to compile the information and hints to create this article on the importance of developing fun in a work culture:
- Bhardwaj, R. (2016, February 03). Why it’s Important to Build a Good Work Culture. Retrieved from Entrepreneur: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/270338
- Chignell, B. (2018, May 22nd). Six reasons why fun in the office is the future of work. Retrieved from CIPHR: https://www.ciphr.com/advice/fun-in-the-office/
- LifeSpeak. (n.d.). The importance of having fun at work. Retrieved from LifeSpeak
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