The Symphony of Diversity
Oct 21, 2024A symphony orchestra consists of several instruments with unique shapes, colors, and sounds. Each instrument has been carefully crafted and designed with a specific purpose – to make sound. These instruments are divided into four main families: Strings (violin, viola, cello, and double bass); Woodwinds (flute, oboe, clarinet, and bassoon); Brass (horn, trumpet, trombone, and tuba); and Percussion (timpani, snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, triangle).
When creating a piece of music, the composer must have an expert knowledge of all the characteristics, qualities, possibilities, and limitations of each instrument. He or she must individually assign them their role within the developing masterpiece, and then, piece them together by carefully uniting their differences so that they do not clash with each other yet grow together to achieve a coherent harmony that translates into a sublime work of art.
This is also our case as human beings. We were individually designed and crafted by God, the composer, to fulfill a purpose in this world – an individual purpose; a purpose that will also echo for eternity. He knows us better than anybody else. He knows our strengths, as well as our weaknesses, and that is why we were created in such a diverse way: to complement each other and work harmoniously to attain a common good.
Although an instrument in an orchestra may have a particular role and a specific sound, it is the beautiful mix between them all and their differences that turns one instrument’s sound into a legendary symphony.
So with the typical uncertainty and challenges of a new year - we have a blank sheet to write and play together a beautiful symphony, one that resonates in all fields of society.
To do that, we must tune up our lives, reflect on our flaws, forgive ourselves and others, learn from the mistakes of the past, and work together with a fresh attitude in which our differences become the chords that keep us together and not the dissonances that break our bond as human beings.
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