Identity & Destiny

Discover your
God-Given Purpose

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Our unique course, Identity & Destiny, is meticulously designed for individuals ready to embark on a profound journey towards understanding their true self and aligning it with their life goals. This course is structured into three pivotal stages: Intellectual, Bridge, and Spiritual, each crafted to guide you towards unlocking your true potential.

Stage 1: Intellectual Discovery

Begin your journey with a deep dive into the Intellectual stage, where self-awareness is the key. This phase is dedicated to helping you understand the foundational aspects of your identity through a series of comprehensive assessments, including:

- DISC Assessment: Uncover your behavior and communication styles to enhance your interpersonal skills.
- Resilience: Learn about your capacity to bounce back from setbacks and personal challenges.
- Spiritual Gifts Inventory: Discover the unique gifts that guide your path to personal fulfillment.
- Core Values Clarification: Identify what truly matters to you and how it shapes your decisions and life direction.

These tools are not just assessments; they are revelations that provide clarity about your unique strengths and how they can be harnessed in your journey towards personal growth.

Stage 2: Bridge - Overcoming Obstacles

The Bridge stage is your pathway to healing and growth. It's about confronting and overcoming the obstacles that have held you back from achieving your full potential. In this stage, you will:

- Engage in reflective exercises that help identify past setbacks and their impact on your journey.
- Learn strategies to overcome these barriers, turning past experiences into stepping stones for future success.
- Develop a resilient mindset that prepares you for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

This stage is crucial for anyone ready to leave behind the limitations of the past and embrace a future of unlimited possibilities.

Stage 3: Spiritual Alignment

In the final stage, we delve into the spiritual aspect of your journey. This phase is designed to connect you with a higher purpose and align your endeavors with your divine destiny. Through various spiritual tools, you will:

- Seek and understand your true Identity as revealed through spiritual introspection.
- Discover your Destiny and how it intertwines with your life goals and aspirations.
- Receive guidance on your Current/Next Assignment, ensuring that your actions are in sync with your divine purpose.

This stage is for those who believe in the power of spirituality to transform not just their personal lives but also their approach to life's challenges and opportunities.

Why Choose Identity & Destiny?

Identity & Destiny is not just a course; it's a journey of transformation. It's for anyone who knows that true success comes from aligning one's inner self with their outer goals. By joining us, you're not just signing up for a course; you're embarking on a life-changing journey to discover your true identity, overcome your past, and align your life with your spiritual purpose.


9-week class. We meet each week for 1.5 hours online through Microsoft Teams.

In the checkout form, you will see a dropdown with our upcoming class dates. Please select the one that best fits your schedule. 

We may only have one option available. If you think that time will not work, note that sessions are recorded and will be made available online to those participating in the class. If you still would prefer to wait until another date is set, please email Damaris Perez at [email protected] and we will inform you of a later date.


$520.00 USD

Identity & Destiny Workbook Paperback $30.00.